Category: Podcast

  • Best 6 Apps for Podcasting with Students

    Best 6 Apps for Podcasting with Students

    Podcasting has become an incredible tool for educators and content creators, especially when engaging students. It allows students to participate actively in creating content, rather than just consuming it, fostering creativity and critical thinking. As a teacher, I’ve seen firsthand how podcasting can enrich in-person classroom discussions and transform them into something interactive, even when…

  • Best Tools for Recording, Editing, & Publish Student Podcasts

    Best Tools for Recording, Editing, & Publish Student Podcasts

    My name is Sonu, and today, we’ll be exploring the best platforms for recording, editing, and publishing your student podcasts. Not only are we going to look at various platform options, but I’ll also be discussing the benefits and key considerations for each. Please note, the purpose of this article is to provide you with…

  • How to Record a Podcast for School?

    Welcome to this step-by-step guide on how to record a podcast for school. Whether you’re new to podcasting or looking for some tips to refine your process, I’ll walk you through everything from setting up your environment to recording and editing your podcast. Record a Podcast for School: A Step By Step Guide Step 1:…

  • How to Name Your Podcast? (Avoid 8 Common Mistakes)

    How to Name Your Podcast? (Avoid 8 Common Mistakes)

    Starting a podcast is an exciting journey, but one of the first and often most challenging tasks is coming up with the perfect name. If you’re looking to focus on storytelling, music, or any other niche, finding a unique and catchy name that communicates your podcast’s essence is crucial. In this article, I will walk…

  • Why does everyone have a Podcast now?

    Have you ever noticed that it seems like everyone is starting a podcast these days? I’ve thought about it myself. If your YouTube channel gets big enough, or you don’t have a YouTube channel at all, the default suggestion seems to be: start a podcast. It doesn’t matter what your background is—teachers, preachers, ex-frat boys,…